It remains unclear how many billions US taxpayers spend in total subsidizing as Walmart retaliates its employees through its entire business model
America’s Illicit Trade in Orwell and Steinbeck
Surveillance and wage slavery are openly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, creating a new class of Winston Smiths and Tom Joads – a trade in Orwell?
Interview with Jon Ogden from Too Big Has Failed
Jon Ogden is the founder of a website dedicated to educating the public about the corrupt practices of the big Wall Street banks
Ad-free Facebook would still include ‘Big Brother’ NSA
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone talks about improving the new system for ad-free Facebook – but doesn’t talk about the bigger picture involving the NSA
Washington Critical of Everyone But Itself in Snowden Affair
Criticizing China for letting Snowden Affair go is like blaming the fireman for the smoke detector without batteries
Guess who’s subsidizing the NSA’s spying on Americans?
American taxpayers flip the bill subsidizing the NSA domestic spying. This revelation comes from Representative Edward Markey (D-MA).
The evolution of revolution and Occupy Wall Street
evolution of revolution: Occupy Wall Street was a preview of much broader revolution now underway
10 requests for the NSA to make me feel better about them
After digesting we were living with our very own Big Brother I decided to make a list of requests for the NSA
Who’s ultimately to blame for spying — the NSA or the CEO?
DC politicians continue to criticize and blame other nations instead of taking responsibility for Snowden leaks.
Chalker Protests To Continue In Jeff Olson’s Honor
After Chalk demonstrator Jeff Olson’s acquittal, supporters still plan to protest and celebrate. Jeff Olson supporters plan protests in San Diego and Bremerton, WA.