The way states redraw boundaries can affect who runs for office, who wins, or who stays in office without serious opposition.
When a Win is a Loss
The legal allegations make for good copy in the press, and let Republican hacks repeat fraud charges to reporters and social media consumers.
Democrats Need to Expand Voting Rights if Blue Tide Sweeps Them Into Power
A recent article by Greg Palast, an investigative journalist, suggests that Democrats also suppress the right of eligible citizens to vote.
Exclusive: Trump, GOP Wrestle for Dollars in Florida
Florida recently let WWE televise wrestling matches from the Sunshine State, calling the sport an essential activity. Here is a fun way to discuss it.
Uncle Sam Needs Your Help Again
I suspect a Democratic or Republican leader may tell us that “Uncle Sam Needs Your Help Again” before I leave this planet. And, chances are, many Americans will support that war.
Growing Up Learning Importance of Registering People to Vote
In an excerpt from her unfinished, unpublished memoir, Ruth Carter-Lynch discusses the time of Martin Luther King Jr. and fellow Civil Rights leaders.
Parkland School Shooting, Coronavirus Pandemic Bookend Hixon’s First Run for Office
Steve Schneider interviewed Debbi Hixon on her first run for office on the Broward County School Board. Debbi lost her husband, Chris, in the Parkland school shooting, Valentine’s Day 2018.
Conservative Religious Army Rids White House of Rats, Snakes and Demons
Delusion is the new coronavirus strategy of the Executive that has hired an evangelical movement to the task. It’s a good thing this is just satire.
Bone Spurs Hobble Wartime President: Satire
While ordinary Americans are grappling with the coronavirus, Trump’s bone spur is what is preoccupying the government. Well, for now this is only satire.
Interview: Electoral Administration in Broward County in Florida
Broward County in Florida has vote counting challenges. Finding a Broward Supervisor of Elections who can bring back confidence has also been difficult.