A few hundred people showed up last night to hear Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka at an event at Hostos College in the Bronx to learn more about the progressive Green Party platform.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
What is in Donald Trump’s Mind for America?
Trump really sounds like a total dictator. It seems like he does not care for this country as much as he says he does. It also seems like, if allowed, he will take over this country as Hitler took over Germany
PHOTOS: Occupy Farms Standing with Standing Rock
With it’s roots firmly grounded in activism, sustainability, agriculture, building networks, spirituality, philosophy and radical pacifism, Arc 38 strives to embody a living experiment in community building
Why Two Evils Are Our Two Choices
People (at least the half who vote) evidently accept and believe in an election that is a “choice” between two candidates whom practically everyone strongly dislikes
The Second Debate: Hillary Clinton as the Closer
Clinton not only pointed out that everything Trump said was false, she expanded on each of his mistakes. This is how ugly it has gotten. However, it was a very interesting debate to watch
On the Numerous Crises Affecting World’s Economies
Major world economies should come up with a plan to stabilize the developed economies first and then shift their attention to coming up with policies that would be able to promote economic growth
America Divided at NYU’s Tishman Hall
Zach Galifianakis travels back to his home state to investigate how North Carolina has become a bellwether for how the money of a few has come to dominate our democracy
Somaliland’s Presidential Election: Narcissism vs. Charisma
It’s a moral obligation for the world to support the overdue democratic change in Somaliland. Somalilanders want to see true change, not replacement of one man into a more corrupted
Does Increased Internet Usage Decrease Voter Turnout
The study done by Dr. Heblich of the University of Bristol’s Economics department, has shown that an increase in information on the internet and the increase in consumption has created a “crowding out effect” for voters.
PHOTOS: Green Party Supporters Calling For Open Debates
Before the start of the debate on Monday night, supporters for the Green Party candidate Jill Stein came out to Hofstra to call for open debates