This case brings in question the continued use of the NYPD quota system used predominantly in communities of color. Justice League NYC is an initiative conceived to advocate for criminal justice reform and police accountability
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
A Revolution Through the Iranian Ballot Box?
In the end, it is an important and crucial election result for the people of Iran to use the power of democracy to affect their country’s role in the world, one which is seen right now by outside powers as mainly negative
A Coalition of Independent Presidential Candidates
While still competing with each other as Presidential candidates, we agreed we would create a new alliance to inform Americans about credible and experienced independent Presidential candidates
America’s Peculiar Primaries
Let’s be clear on something. The way we do primaries is bad. There’s the saying that imitation is the best form of flattery. No one is imitating us. No flattery going on. We’re just doing a bad job.
Your Vote, Your Voice!
As I cast my ballot early today in the voting booth, I decided to stop dawdling and write something about the importance of voting. I have wanted to post my daughter’s words, because — as a millennial — she has something important to say about voting
DA Ken Thompson to Reopen the Nicholas Heyward Jr. Case
Joshua Lopez is part of a group standing to find justice in the case of Nicholas Heyward Jr., a 13 year old who was shot and killed by NYPD, Brian George in the stairwell at the Wyckoff houses in Brooklyn in 1994.
New York Special Elections Fill Seats of the Fallen Corrupt
As the state makes preparations for two New York special elections, the stain of corruption which has infected Albany and New York politics now pose a new challenge for the prospective nominees
Politics of Education: El Ritual de lo Habitual
As we listen and analyze the proposals of all candidates, we should consider questions like the following: What causes inequality in education? In society? What are the consequences?
Vote And Then Act In Favor Of Democracy
It is imperative that we get money out of campaigns. Our democratic process is supposed to be one person, one vote. But right now, the political power of corporate executives in fact is worth a lot more than hundreds of votes.
Are Refugee Children Lesser than Other Children?
With the help of activists, lawyers, and too many to be named, we were able to stop the government from continuing to license the Berks County Residential Center in Berks, Pennsylvania.