It is a smart strategy by Dr. Carson’s campaign to try and reach out to voters who would not historically vote for the Republican Party and it is would also be smart for whomever the Republican nominee should be to reach out to voters who may not normally vote for them
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Acts Of Terror Point To Failed Global System
Will the recent tragedies encourage Washington and our allies to rethink our Middle East policy? Will our leaders ask themselves whether constant war and profits for the corporatocracy are worth the price?
Before Bernie Sanders, There Was Seattle’s Kshama Sawant
Sawant’s successes in Seattle have implications for whether a self-avowed socialist, such as Bernie Sanders, can win in a national election. Their organizing strategies of invoking a “political revolution” have several parallels
One Year And Still No Justice For Eric Garner
Members of Stop Mass Incarceration and other demonstrators gathered at the New York City side of the Staten Island Ferry yesterday to remember Eric Garner, the Gentle Giant as he was named by a friend
Bernie Sanders IS Accepting Super PAC Money
If Sanders was truly a believer of not accepting Super PAC money and keeping super PAC money out of his political campaign he should return all of the money that he has that is connected with the group
Being Thankful in the Consciousness Revolution
This is a good time to be grateful that you are here, now, to claim your role in this Consciousness Revolution. Allow yourself to give thanks for your place in the world and to delve deeper into understanding your true potential.
On The Absolute Reality of Hunger
Some say that reality is what it is irrespective of what the experiencer thinks about it, some say the experiencer defines what reality is. “About 793 million people in the world still lack sufficient food for conducting and active and healthy lifestyle.”
Union Square Protest for Women’s Right to Abortion
A group of forty or so protested in favor of safe and legal abortion at the south end of Union Square in Manhattan yesterday after the attack on a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Compassion is Fashion: Animal Rights Action Outside Macy’s
Our beautiful planet with limited resources that need replenishing and care to be maintained is up against the addiction and lust for never ending fake money and power, things like compassion, caring, nurturing and peace don’t stand a chance.
Empire State of Corruption? Political Corruption in NY
In the latest case of political corruption in the Empire State, the former assembly speaker Sheldon Silver has been charged with Honest Service fraud, extortion, and money laundering – all while using his influence as a top politician to gain influence.