King repeatedly identified the “giant triplets:” racism, materialism/exploitation/poverty and militarism. This post suggests a slight revision of two of the triplets I believe still in keeping with King’s vision.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
The Main Stream Media: Filtered Facts
The main stream media, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, and the other giant networks and empires pretend to tell the unbiased “truth.” However, even a cursory glance is enough to prove their agenda is far from transparent.
The Gandhi Revolution in Revolutionary Strategy
By embracing Gandhi’s innovation King avoided the mistake of so many would-be revolutionaries, who — by focusing too narrowly on the conventional politics of violence or their preconceived expectations — missed the actual revolution
GALLERY: Protest Against Trump on Saturday Night Live!
Across the street from NBC’s 30 Rock, a few hundred people showed up to voice their disapproval at NBC for having Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live last night despite what many feel are blatant racist comments about immigrants.
Are Turkish Elections Heading Country Toward Dictatorship?
The President should adhere to real democratic principles where people have the right to voice their opinion even if it happens to be different than the government.
No Separate Justice – Free the Holy Land Five
Irene Siegel, PhD., moderated the vigil of No Separate Justice which happens every first Monday of the month outside the Metropolitan Correctional Center at 150 Park Row, New York City for the Holy Land Five.
An Essay That Changes Hong Kong
All of a sudden, the idea of civil disobedience springs up. The thought of coercion by protest is then transformed. It now becomes an awakening movement in which participants are willing to shoulder any legal responsibility out of the spirit of self-sacrifice.
Neighbor to Neighbor – a Post 9/11 World
What have we experienced since September 11, 2001? Is our world better, more just, and more unified? Do we have more freedom and equality? Do impoverished people around the planet have greater access to basic necessities?
An American Revolution by Martin Luther King Jr.
King’s historical memory found the roots of revolution in the best of American political traditions. The student led sit-in movement renewed the civil rights struggle and launched the student movement.
Death to American Exceptionalism?
There’s no shame in admitting that we’re not doing as well as others. Death to American exceptionalism may be brash and unnecessary, but this is a plea to all, let’s put aside our pride and use common sense.