Gerrymandering is why politicians have little to worry about as long as the lines remain
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
United States to Cut Aid to Egypt After Crackdowns
The United States government will be cutting/suspending aid to Egypt after violent clashes and crackdowns between the Muslim brotherhood and the army.
An Episode of Capitalism & Consumerism vs. Nature
The intensification of the anti-consumer surge is connected to Marxist ideas as Marxists are “repackaging themselves” in anti-consumerism.
Kickstarter Project for My Election Reform Documentary
We must let those in power know that what they are doing is wrong and that we can not accept it. A democracy is only as effective as it’s people demand it to be.
New Poll: Choose Between 30 Political Party Platforms
A new thirty-party poll on American political party platforms has recently been started at the Condorcet Internet Voting Service.
Election Watch: Malagasy Freedom
Madagascar deserves restorative justice. Madagascar deserves the expertise of the world. Madagascar deserves Malagasy Freedom and the attention of the International Community.
Wall Street and the Great Pension Fund Heist
Great Pension Fund Heist: Wall Street has been lusting after public monies for years, and now they’re having their way with pension funds.
Election Watch: Chile is Rising Democracy Star
The upcoming Chile election represents the first time citizens are not mandated by law to vote as well as the first time that registration is automatic
Our Documentary Kickstarter Campaign is Launched
Who elected these guys to run our government? You might say the American public, but you would be wrong. Support a Documentary Kickstarter Campaign today.
Russian Punk Band Member Ends Hunger Strike
Russian Punk Band Member: A member of the Russian punk band group Pussy Riot has ended her hunger strike in opposition to the conditions of the prison that she is being held in