The Trump administration and the current Republican dispensation cannot and should not dictate our collective future. The time to fight for America is now.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Interview: Electoral Administration in Broward County in Florida
Broward County in Florida has vote counting challenges. Finding a Broward Supervisor of Elections who can bring back confidence has also been difficult.
Capitalism, Materialism, and Imperialism Prevent World Peace
Capitalism, Materialism, and Imperialism are 3 of 9 social sins that prevent world peace and happiness. The world needs voluntary simplicity now.
Here’s why William Barr should be Barred
U.S. Attorney General William Barr has been a fixer for the Republican Party but he is not alone in making an unethical contribution to Justice.
China is Training the Mexican Army and Americans are not Aware of it
Americans are not aware that China is training the Mexican army. The presence of China on our border is the result of lack of planning and self-interest.
The people, not Congress, should vote to impeach or acquit the President
The partisan nature of the impeachment process is the stamp of America’s flawed democracy. The people, not Congress should be the ones to impeach or acquit.
A deepening political divide exposed by 2020 State of the Union shows the need for voter’s decisive action
Key moments at the start and end of the 2020 State of the Union exposed deepening political divide in America, signal the need for voters’ decisive action.
Trump, the Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion wanted to get across the river. He asked a frog, “Will you please give me a ride on your back?” The frog replied, “How can I do that? Your sting is fatal!”
Socialism Gaining in Popularity as Iowa Caucus Nears
A new poll by Gallup shows that young Americans are increasingly in favour of socialism as opposed to capitalism. This is taking place as Iowa caucus nears.
Democracy in Crisis in Gabon as another Father-to-Son Transition Looms
To demonstrate its commitment to democracy in Africa, the international community must delegitimize father-to-son transfer of power on the continent.