On December 10, the Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded, and many have wanted Greta Thunberg to be the recipient. But would the world’s leaders really have been able to take in Greta’s message?
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
I Can’t Breathe, And Neither Can You
Captains and lieutenants have the duty to keep the peace but often see this as a carte blanche to “get rid of the riff-raff”. That’s what happened on that fateful day.
Reconciliation will be crucial to the success of elections in Somalia in 2021
Despite great optimism, insecurity and a fractious political space mean reconciliation will be crucial to the success of elections in Somalia in 2021.
Returning Citizens Await Legal Rulings in Florida Voting Rights Case
Attorneys for 17 Florida residents argue they can register to vote after they finish their prison sentence, and complete parole or probation. Not so, says the Republican governor.
When A House Is Not a Home
For both the Palestinians and Kurds, violence continues to happen in their houses. These wars being fought because of old grievances.
After a Month of Countrywide Protest, The Iraqi Prime Minister Resigns
Iraqi protesters have now made sacrifices in large numbers to voice their dissent against the government and they still refuse to back down.
“The Kurds Were not in Normandy”: Distortion and Genocide in the Middle East
That Kurds were not in Normandy is a shameful distortion of truth. We abandoned our Kurdish allies for dubious motives, now they are facing genocide.
Finish Off Brexit And Stop Embarrassing The Democracy
It is 3½ years since Britons voted for an exit and still, the British Parliament has not been able to deliver what the voters decided.
Ready to Impeach
The day that Donald Trump installed Stephen Miller as Senior Advisor for Policy in his administration, we should have been prepared for impeachment.
Til Doubt Do Us Part
The issue of whether or not one can willingly choose to believe something (or willingly choose not to) is a discussion-worthy topic in its own right.