The UK is not unique in having a Monarchy but its history and function does have a degree of uniqueness about it, certainly within Europe. Its function, compilation and place within British society and culture has changed over the years.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Podcast: A Playbook for Organizing in Turbulent Times
20 years ago, Srdja Popovic was part of a revolution — literally. He was a founding member of the Otpor! movement that ousted Serbia Slobodan Milsovic from power in 1999.
Farmers Ask 21 Questions: Are You Listening?
The impact of mega-farms on rural economies and our natural environment is generally horrible. The impact on generations of family farmers is devastating.
Podcast: What does the Mueller report mean for democracy?
Listen to the interview with Laura Rosenberger By now, you’ve no doubt head all about the report issued by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the drama in Washington that’s ensued in the time since its release. But, if you only focus on the information about collusion and obstruction in the Trump administration, you are missing […]
Thoughts On Trump Pardoning US Soldier Michael Behenna
My perspective is admittedly biased. I too was an officer serving in the U.S. Army, and I too served in Iraq. In 2004-2005, and again in 2010-2011.
World’s First Psychedelics Research Center For Mental Health
A welcome breakthrough in the field of mental health has been this month’s opening of the world’s first Center for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London.
Podcast: Facebook Is Not A Democracy
Facebook bills itself as an organization designed to serve democracy, but Penn State’s Matt Jordan argues that the company’s motivations really much different. Hear more on the Democracy Works podcast.
Analysis of Tomorrow’s General Election In South Africa
It had been difficult to forecast how transformational South Africa’s presidency would be 25 years after independence. When South Africans go to the polls tomorrow, the mood will be very different.
Podcast: A Brief History of “People Power”
In his book, “Can Democracy Work? A Short History of a Radical Idea from Ancient Athens to Our World,” James Miller encapsulates 2500 years of democracy history into about 250 pages.
Lobbying Corporate America
Maybe some scary specter could visit some of these scroogelike CEO’s in the middle of the night and fly them around the poorer sections of our nation while dressed in their sleeping gowns to underline the critical need of our constituents.