When all is said and done, a concerted effort by the African Union can have some real impact. Cooperation towards international isolation, the freezing of assets, travel bans and embargos may be the only way forward.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
It’s Official – Approval Voting Will Be On the Ballot in Fargo!
Fargo be the first US city to use approval voting and let voters choose all the candidates they want on their ballot. A local grassroots organization, Reform Fargo, has received official approval after submitting signatures.
On Bob Woodward and the Anonymous New York Times Op Ed
Trump’s world is rife for psychoanalysis not only of himself but of the state of America. Yet the only service we do for the country is voting, canvassing, calling, and convincing our friends and family to vote and canvass and call.
The Ongoing White House Coup D’état Is A True Disaster
I highly suggest the anonymous author of the New York Times Op Ed piece resign, as well as all of the other people who are working against the administration from within. While they are at it, the President himself should resign too.
A Single Payer Healthcare System Is Desperately Needed in America
As it sits now, the mess of healthcare in the US has left the average citizen shell-shocked from a series of ongoing abuses designed into the current system. Many have come to see a true solution as beyond reach.
How Trump Turned Republicans Against John McCain
McCain lost the presidency because of integrity and honor, what the Deplorables no longer respect. McCain didn’t fight hard and dirty enough in their eyes, winning is all that matters in their world.
My Podcast Conversation About Power, Voting and Identity Politics
This podcast, part of the podcast series Bridging Our Divide, gave me a chance to talk about power, voting, identity politics and my experience in Philadelphia. Let me know what you think!
The Mirage Of Presidential Election In Cameroon
The regime is working hard to eliminate any traces of opposition so that any protests will be inconsequential. The army will be unleashed to repress any such attempts in the most violent of ways.
Trump Wants to Ban Flipping, Just Like a Mob Boss
So all consuming is his ego and need to protect himself that he would alter our laws, regardless of the consequences.This is so blatant and in the open, it boggles the mind to those of us not caught under his spell.
Psychedelic Therapy: Making the Sick Healthy and the Healthy Even Better
To summarize: psychedelics broaden one’s perspective, shift one’s ideology a little to the “left”, increase empathy, openness, and help one appreciate the beauty of nature. The experiences are profound.