Whether the lure of authoritarianism is strong or is awakened in us, whether we’re angry or not: these are the new divisions. As fractured in so many metrics as we are, the result in this new America is we’re all now student-victims at Trump University.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Union Organizing in Milwaukee: A T-Shirt Story
Little Joe, always a strong supporter of Unions, workers and community issues, was in town for La Fiesta, an annual summer event held by Lake Michigan organized by local Latino organizations that attracts some of the biggest Raza numbers.
My Coverage of the NYC March for Our Lives Protests
Thousands of people turned out in New York City to March for Our Lives in solidarity with the students from Parkland, Florida and others who know someone killed by gun violence yesterday, meeting near 72nd Street and Central Park West.
Zimbabwe’s 2008 post-vote violence has lessons for the next election
The period following that first round of the 2008 Zimbabwe Presidential Election was marked by political violence that left a reportedly more than 200 dead, thousands more injured and more than 200,000 internally displaced.
At a Protest of Saudi Prince’s Visit and the War on Yemen
Fifty or so peace activists came out early this cold morning on the steps of City Hall to tell Mayor Bill Di Blasio and institutions like Harvard University and MIT, where the Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud will be visiting, not to meet with a war criminal.
Internet Access in Least Developed Countries Brings Tech Gains
A recent study revealed that more than 64 percent of citizens of the least developed countries around the world now have access to the internet and or a mobile device. The results have been transformative.
When an armed staffer, not a gun-restriction, stops a school shooting
If any legislation could prevent mass-casualty shootings, then I would welcome it. That being said, I’m reluctant to believe that any legislation would prevent lawbreakers from law-breaking. It hasn’t worked to this point.
Coverage of a March to Mark 15 Years Since US Invasion of Iraq
Participants were marching from the NYC Public Library at 42nd Street and arriving at the U.S. military recruiting station in order to remind people of the millions slaughtered in Iraq in an ongoing, illegal and endless war.
At a Manhattan Rally for Early Voting in New York State
At least 100 demonstrators turned out today in Manhattan’s Foley Square amid bright sun and cold temperatures to rally for the introduction of at least 14 days of early voting. New York is one of the 11 states that do not offer any early voting.
My New Poetry Collection: A Box of Crazy Toys
Is it possible that anything you can conceive, with any combination of words, can, in the fullness of time, manifest itself materially? Some such thought will be prompted by the reading of any of the 100 liquid landscapes in my surreal collection.