As the partisan divide in the House of Representatives and the Senate intensifies, is there anything that could be done to combat the intensely partisan atmosphere that has poisoned Washington over the past years?
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
On the Nigerian extradition of Cameroon’s separatist leaders
The chance for peace and dialogue might have been missed. A civil war, for some, and a war between two countries for others, is more likely than not underway in the Cameroons.
Special Oscars Poll Demonstrates Pairwise Vote Counting
This NewsHereNow Oscars poll allows you, or anyone who is familiar with the Oscar-nominated movies, to rank the movies using a 1-2-3 ballot. And then computer software calculates which movie is really most popular.
My Photos From the NYC March Against Deportation of Immigrants
I recently took part in the ‘You Can’t Deport a Movement’ action against the deportation of immigrants. The event was organized to support the cause of NYC immigrant rights leader Ravi Ragbir who the government is looking to deport.
My interview with Harriet Fraad: Occupy, Depression and Capitalism
I sat down in person with Dr. Harriet Fraad on Tuesday to discuss the pathologizing of conditions like depression that author and journalist Johann Hari recently illustrated in his new book ‘Lost Connections’
Nasty succession fights consume Zimbabwe’s opposition
Zimbabwe’s main opposition party is proving to be its own worst enemy as it bids to topple the ruling party in this year’s general elections, the first without Robert Mugabe in decades. The timing for the MDC’s woes is awful.
Oh No, Jerusalem
Trump’s move, one of the most ill-considered US actions in the Middle East for a generation is just the latest iteration of a dynamic between a horribly unqualified president and the millstone of poison ideologies which will grind the region into dust.
The 20th-Century Jewish Exodus Map You Have Never Seen Before
As far as I can tell, there is no map that shows the geographic extent of the exodus of Jewish people in the 20th Century. I decided it couldn’t be too hard to make my own.
Recognizing African-American Women in the Labor System
The struggles of black women in America must be heard. And, their resilience and determination through it all must be recognized. Once they, too, are educationally and economically empowered, society will benefit as a whole.
My photos from the Close Guantanamo Action protest in NYC
A group from “World Can’t Wait, Witness Against Torture” and the ACLU came to the main area of Grand Central Station in NYC on Thursday to say a loud “NO!” to Trump’s plan to keep Guantanamo open.