This article starts with foster care and ends with an urgent cry for culture change in our family court systems. As a systems thinker and strategic planner, I organized these solutions into five strategies.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Nigeria warned off returning abducted Cameroon separatists
The African Bar Association called on Nigeria to release the abductees within 48 hours of receiving its letter or face legal action in international and local courts.
Donald Reagan: The Next Era of Prosperity
Ronald Reagan was a truly transformational leader who brought about American prosperity after the stagflation-hit 1970s and revitalizing American conservatism in late-twentieth century politics.
Ghana: 25 years of democracy and 5 peaceful changes in power
Ghana is currently Africa’s most democratic country according to several indicators and therefore stands out as the ideal example that democracy is possible in Africa
My Report from MLK NOW 2018 at Riverside Church in NYC
Blackout for Human Rights hosted its 3rd Annual “MLK Now”, a free event celebrating the words and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and I was there to take pictures.
Was voter buying just legalized ahead of Zimbabwe elections?
Voter buying is not a new phenomenon, stands, food, farming implements and other goodies are now know to be used as a carrot and stick measure towards every election.
Western States Leading the Way to Campaign Finance Reform
In an effort to get more transparency over the role of money in the political process and combat what is known as “dark money,” many states have passed laws that require political donors to reveal more key information.
Rest In Power: Photos from Erica Snipes Garner’s funeral
As the services concluded Michael Brown Sr., the father of Michael Brown, the teenager who was shot and killed by the police in Ferguson, Mo. in 2014, came on stage and embraced Eric Garner’s widow Esaw Garner.
Is Trump’s Tax Bill Just Corporate 3 Card Monte?
I needed a moment to wrap my head around Trump’s GOP approved Tax Bill. First, I had to get over the way GOP Senate members scrambled, like roaches in the dark to pass their version of the bill.
Coming up soon: Zimbabwe’s next revolution
This year’s harmonized elections with the presidential election, the most exciting in living memory, promises an upheaval. ZANU-PF which has held power since independence could be eliminated in the first round of a presidential ballot.