Following through on a long-desired promise to have a country of their own Kurds in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and Syria have finally been able to place votes for independence.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
A Saudi Woman Discusses Her Changing Society
“The status of women in Saudi Arabia has and will always be one of the best…the Vision has improved and empowered Saudi women”.
The 95% Failure Rate of Foster Care in America
Millions of families and children remain torn apart and psychologically devastated by the profit-driven abuses of foster care and the win-lose culture of family court
A Resurgent Russia Causing EU Countries to Increase Military Spending
In response to a resurgent Russia and an ongoing threat from ISIS, EU countries and Sweden are proposing an increase in military budgets.
China Communist Party Expanding Internet Crackdown
People should remember that even though the Chinese Communist Party has been modernizing with the times, the party still represents a heavy restriction on personal freedoms and a restriction on everyday life.
Why Election Day Should Be A National Holiday
The change to make Election Day a national holiday must be implemented in order to not only increase voter participation, but also to ingrain the very concept of democracy into the American people.
Fear of a Black Flag: The Islamic State’s Propaganda and Future
Al Qaida’s dull Osama-lectures in Arabic never had the pizazz of IS’s sleek magazines and certainly not the charisma of their reality-tv snuff films. Their gruesome short films are filmically excellent.
Voting Selfie Defense
The biggest argument in favor for banning these selfies is that it can lead to vote buying. That might be true, but to an extent that we should outlaw them? Don’t think so, bub.
New York State Political Corruption is a Problem That Won’t Go Away
Following in a long history of corruption in New York politics, seven local officials from the town of Oyster Bay on Long Island have been indicted on corruption charges which can land them in prison for a very long time.
Did CNN Threaten to Blackmail the Man Behind the Trump WWF gif?
Supporters of Trump were quick to defend the tweet by saying that he was fighting back against the mainstream media’s unfair coverage of him, while proponents of Trump called the President’s tweet hateful and inciting violence against journalists