The biggest argument in favor for banning these selfies is that it can lead to vote buying. That might be true, but to an extent that we should outlaw them? Don’t think so, bub.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
New York State Political Corruption is a Problem That Won’t Go Away
Following in a long history of corruption in New York politics, seven local officials from the town of Oyster Bay on Long Island have been indicted on corruption charges which can land them in prison for a very long time.
Did CNN Threaten to Blackmail the Man Behind the Trump WWF gif?
Supporters of Trump were quick to defend the tweet by saying that he was fighting back against the mainstream media’s unfair coverage of him, while proponents of Trump called the President’s tweet hateful and inciting violence against journalists
Two Term Presidential Limit Under Threat Across Africa
As tyrants come up against the presidential term-limits included in many multi-party constitutions, a significant number are refusing to relinquish power. Instead, a good number of leaders have sought to secure a third term.
How UNICEF Employs Drone Technology and Beyoncé
Through its collaborations, UNICEF is proving the effectiveness of joining forces with other powers to exhibit the most innovative ideas, services and assistive projects.
Colorado Repeals Ballot Selfie Law
Colorado did the right thing by decriminalizing the celebration of people wanting to share that they participated democracy, which is one of the most patriotic civic duties a citizen can participate in.
America’s Bad Habit: Criticizing Other Cultures
America has a problem of always interjecting their westernized opinion into the cultures of other civilizations. Whenever something is different from us, we essentially think that it is wrong.
One Year On, Has the United Kingdom’s Democracy Been Enhanced?
The past year of British politics has been a whirlwind of delusion, stupidity and general idiocy. The Tories and especially Theresa May, have lost all credibility and respect and really are not in a decent position to carry on.
Liberation or Protectionism
The western growth machine creates communities with millions of “non-people”, unemployed youth or senior citizens who lack social significance. At the same time, a clique of financially well-off’s just grows stronger.
When Monarchs Run For Elections: Leadership Alternation in Africa
A study in which we look at the level of democracy in four countries where the present incumbent has been in power for more than 15 years and four other countries where two or more Presidents succeeded in office in the last 15 years.