Transparency non-profit Sunlight Foundation explains ‘Cheat Sheet’ for researching New Jersey corruption
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Supreme Court Politicization Brings Fundamental Questions
Despite safe guards in Constitution, a rise in Supreme Court politicization is a worrying trend
VIDEO: Historian Slams Dark Money Explosion in U.S. Elections
Historically, the lack of transparency in election spending is unprecedented amid massive dark money explosion
Vote Against Oregon’s Top Two Primary Election Proposal
Those of us in Oregon need to vote against the “top two primary” election because it continues to use single-mark ballots, which are the source of the problem. The idea of an “open” primary is a nice idea, but primary elections — of either kind — need to use a better kind of ballot.
Billionaire Funds Florida Anti-Marijuana Lobby
GOP heavyweight donor Sheldon Adelson throws four million into anti-marijuana lobby in Florida
South Carolina Independent Candidate for Congress Has Hope
Polling just under ten percent, South Carolina independent candidate Thomas Ravenel sees chance
Syria War Money Politics Favor Defense Industry
In US push to military action, Iraq and Syria War money politics benefit defense contractors
Sunlight Foundation Outlines Growth of Unregulated Donations
Midterm elections could see over billion dollars in unregulated donations to political campaigns
Socialist Senator Sanders Warns of Runaway Two-Party Corruption
Lone independent in Senate warns country is under threat of permanent two-party corruption
Maine Election System Tested by Flood of Outside Money
Flood of out-of-state money is tilting the balance for Governor despite controls in the Maine election system