How can you measure the first quarter of the year? For Democratic presidential candidates, it’s 300-plus events, 24 states and hundreds of voter questions.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
On Celebrating the Vast Wealth of America’s Richest
When you have a democracy, you have an equal say, equal input, and equal decision-making powers. One person one vote is the opposite of the currently ascendent “money is free speech” concept.
Hawaii House Passes Presidential Candidate Income Tax Bill
On March 28, the Hawaii House passed SB 94 which requires general election presidential candidates to post their latest income tax return on a web page.
Why is the Romanian PM Staying at Trump’s D.C. Hotel?
PM of Romania stayed at President Trump’s hotel during trip to Washington first foreign government leader to booked a room at the hotel in more than a year.
America’s Corruption Is a National Security Threat
If they’ve been paying attention, Americans have received some rude wake-up calls in recent years. What unpleasant news do these messages convey?
Implementing NY Early Voting To Cost An Estimated $175m Statewide
Implementing cost of electronic poll books for New York City, is more than $145 million, and for 57 counties outside NYC making amount to $175m statewide.
Demographic Change’s Potential Influence On Money Politics Future
Through engaging scholars in the many fields, the initiative looks at how changing demographics will shape the future political, social and fiscal landscape.
Campaign Urges New York to Take National Lead on Campaign Finance
Campaign urged Gov. Cuomo and Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins to use the opportunity to enact the extremely significant money in politics legislation.
Voting Machine Makers Lambasted as ‘Accountable To Nobody’
Sen. Ron Wyden on Thursday attacked the small but powerful group of companies that controls the production of most voting equipment used in the U.S.
It is Time for Corporate Political Spending Disclosure
New bill that has been introduced in the Housem H.R 1053, would direct the SEC to issue regs to require public companies to disclose political expenditures.