Flags are often rallying cries in times of political turmoil and Ukraine’s recent crisis has inspired a similar explosion as colors of national flag inspire political art that spans from one end of country to the other
Political Artwork archive on Democracy Chronicles
These Political Artwork articles reflect the strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power, occurs across historical epochs and cultures. As they respond to contemporaneous events and politics, the arts take on political as well as social dimensions, becoming themselves a focus of controversy and even a force of political as well as social change. Also see our main section on Political Art or our extensive articles on World Protest.
VIDEO: Pussy Riot Releases New Olympics Announcement
Full video of Pussy Riot release attacking dictatorships crimes amid Olympic hypocrisy
Egypt’s Jon Stewart is Back! Watchout General Sisi…
Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef is back on air with his highly controversial tv show satirizing politics in post revolution Arab Spring. Egypt’s Jon Stewart is back!
Supporting Bill Maher’s Crusade for Election Reform
Bill Maher’s crusade is direct attack on members of Congress who benefit from system of perpetual incumbency and special interest influence is an issue that members of the election reform community hope will become a campaign issue
Can You Fund an Election Reform Film by Crowdfunding?
Making an election reform film based on crowdfunding takes a community that is hungry for change. If we can get proper funding to support the marketing of our documentary, “The Design of a Broken System”, its reach and impact will be amplified enormously.
Montenegro Fresco Draws Political Controversy
Politically charged Montenegro fresco hung in local church has ignited political firestorm history dredging up painful episodes from violence of 20th century
We Need Your Help to Fund an Election Reform Film
The Design of a Broken System aims to take the issue of ELECTION REFORM and present it in a concise way that analyzes the current system and proposes alternatives which are advocated by our country’s leading analysts and researchers.
Ten Pete Seeger Quotes From Life of Activism
Pete Seeger quotes are fitting reminder to artist’s life of passionate activism for the causes he cared about including education, peace, and America
Motherhood Story Competition: Pushing Borders of Motherhood!
The Forgotten Writer’s Motherhood Story Competition that is partnering with Being Feminist, pushing the borders of the classic meaning and image of motherhood.
Trojan War Play Through the Lens of Iraq War
Troy! Troy! Troy! retells the story through a Trojan War play through the lens of America’s experience in Iraq and the subsequent global financial crisis