Government has backed some Arab Spring uprisings but sending Qatar poet to prison is shows freedom
Political Artwork archive on Democracy Chronicles
These Political Artwork articles reflect the strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power, occurs across historical epochs and cultures. As they respond to contemporaneous events and politics, the arts take on political as well as social dimensions, becoming themselves a focus of controversy and even a force of political as well as social change. Also see our main section on Political Art or our extensive articles on World Protest.
Poet Speaks of Tibet Political Repression
Poet’s work “Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world” is one of many detailing horror of Tibet political repression under fist of China dictatorship
An Episode of Capitalism & Consumerism vs. Nature
The intensification of the anti-consumer surge is connected to Marxist ideas as Marxists are “repackaging themselves” in anti-consumerism.
New Deck of Cards Shows Belarus Dictatorship Allies
Belarus dictatorship allies and supporters revealed in new set of playing cards and website that are using transparency to subvert secretive regime
Musicians in Kashmir Political Art as Peaceful Protest
Region remains caught in tug of war between India and Pakistan but resident musicians in Kashmir political art are expressing themselves in new and inventive ways
Famed Algerian Political Cartoonist Jailed
Popular Algerian political cartoonist is arrested by dictatorship for criticizing dictatorship
Democracy Chronicles Documentary Filming is Underway
Our new Democracy Chronicles documentary is looking for some crowdfunded support and you can help!
Creative Protest Using Modern Art
Activism’s future depends on using art to bend the rules – Creative Protest Using Modern Art
The Origins of a Black Name
What Are the Origins of a Black Name in America? These names illustrate a lack of cultural awareness attendant to a people who have been deprived of a proper education about their history.
Cuba Musician Defies Censors to Call for Democracy
Famous Cuba musician Roberto Carcasses uses time on state run tv to launch call for democracy – Cuba Musician Defies Censors for Democracy Call!