While it’s always been there, self-interest has upped pack mentality – disinterest in crucial societal issues. Embracing truth is how to undo the dynamic.
The World that cried wolf! Ignoring and sanitizing American foreign policy in Bolivia
When our country overthrow’s the government of another country, we just ignore it and our press sanitizes the putsch. It’s time to engage and cry wolf!
I Can’t Breathe, And Neither Can You
Captains and lieutenants have the duty to keep the peace but often see this as a carte blanche to “get rid of the riff-raff”. That’s what happened on that fateful day.
When A House Is Not a Home
For both the Palestinians and Kurds, violence continues to happen in their houses. These wars being fought because of old grievances.
“The Kurds Were not in Normandy”: Distortion and Genocide in the Middle East
That Kurds were not in Normandy is a shameful distortion of truth. We abandoned our Kurdish allies for dubious motives, now they are facing genocide.
Ready to Impeach
The day that Donald Trump installed Stephen Miller as Senior Advisor for Policy in his administration, we should have been prepared for impeachment.
America: time to return to our values
Resetting American values will improve the country’s treatment of migrants such that America would once again become the safe haven it has been.
On Amazon’s Success
I think people are now apathetic about the success of American companies unless you are employed by them or you have money in the market. Most of the gains made by modern efficiency has gone to the top.
Are These Trade Tensions A Prelude To War?
The time of self-promotion and greed has run its course. It’s time to embrace the love for one another before we rip each other apart for good and find there is no remedy to heal our broken lives.
Looking For War in Iran! Or Looking For Peace?
If you are trying to avoid a confrontation, the smart move would be to give your neighbors room. Use peaceful speech, be understanding, forget past issues and possibly stop spying on them. If we choose to not do these things, we are cornering them.