Filmmaker Spike Lee, walked around among the crowd taking pictures of people at his Born Day Prince Party at the Bed Stuy Restoration Center on Fulton and Marcy Ave yesterday.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Losing Paradise… Perder el Paraíso
There’s that old adage that we do not know what we have until it’s gone. So look around you at your freedoms and cherish them please. Take care of them, and help others who aren’t so lucky
One Year Anniversary of the Death of Kalief Browder
A group of around 34 people turned up at Columbus Circle to say #ShutDownRikers and to remember the short life of Kalief Browder who was arrested at the age of 16 for allegedly stealing a backpack in May of 2010.
A Ten-Point Compact For a Post-Maduro Venezuela
As the political and economic situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate, it pays to look beyond the current situation and outline a possible roadmap that could guarantee the return to democratic life
The Golden State Could be Deciding Factor For Democrats
Democrat primary Voters in California are set to go to the polls on Tuesday, June 7th, which may prove to be the deciding factor in the long drawn out nominating contest which has placed a strain on the party
Remember to Remember
The amount of information coming from all directions makes it possible to confuse reality with the simulacra created by the media. This blurring goes unnoticed by the media consumer.
Hit By The Chamber Of Commerce’s Economic Hit Men
I’ve been interviewed by lots of journalists in the past month in response to the Panama Papers disclosures. A question I often get asked: “How do modern day economic hit men (EHMs) work?”
Attorney: Who is the Serial Killer? The NYPD.
Retired NYPD Detective Graham spoke at a press conference outside DA Ken Thompson’s office at 350 Jay St. this week for Nicholas Heyward Jr., a 13 year old honor student who was killed by the NYPD in 1994 while playing with friends
Libertarian Party Support is Surging in Polls
Although the Libertarian Party may barely crack double digits at 10.0%- 15.0%, those votes may prove crucial if the vote is close. This is another voice at the table.
Victories For Water Conservation Spur Action
Rather than adding to the frenetic election discussion, I think it a good time to look at the resource that is replacing oil as the most important one for future economies—as well as the survival of just about all species.