I was a founder of Indiana College Democrats, served as a Democratic precinct chair in Bloomington, and was a Democratic state delegate. But I will never be a Democrat in Indiana again.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
I’ve Had it! Trump Nominee Barr is Against Marijuana Reform
How backwards and how ignorant must our country remain. I’m tired of the puritanical hypocrites still using the anti-marijuana card while trying to appear more godly than the other snakes in their brood!
Stuff We Believe: Keeping Sane in Trumpland
Ride through the south, even most of America, the channel is still today stuck on FOX News. Even in the McDonald’s that I visited in the Ozarks while on vacation with my family, they had FOX News on.
Thoughts on Eliminating Political Parties
The danger is not in partisanship, it is in allowing partisans to control government. The question is how do we accommodate partisanship in our political infrastructure, without allowing parties to control the process?
Authoritarian-Overstretch Led to the Recent Gabon Coup Attempt
The coup attempt in Gabon was the result of authoritarian-overstretch as frustrations increase against the Bongo dynasty and the coup failed due to lack of widespread support.
A Collection of My Best King, Tyrant and Dictator Memes
I am proud to announce a new collection I have put together to highlight some of my favorite artistic creations that highlight dictators, monarchs, tyrants and folk like that. This king and dictator memes collection is free for you to use.
On Shutdowns, Walls and Immigration
Turn back to 1989. The world was celebrating walls tumbling down and President Bush Sr. used the metaphor of walls crumbling down in his speech before signing the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Thanks to Great Friends and Mentors, I Made it to 75
I have been very fortunate to make part of my life’s journey with people who like mom. Thus as I turn 75 this week I find it not only proper but just, to honor the memory of people close to me who have in many ways made my life richer.
Tropical Disruption: Gabon
With oil, Gabon has one of the highest GDPs in Africa. But the fact that it is the largest African importer of champagne illustrates that the wealth distribution there basically runs along the lines of the Bongo family versus the Gabonese people.
How Religion Wrecks Democracy and Our Justice System
Religion is the foundation of our legal, political and electoral system still. Would you choose to download software built with 2,000 year-old logic onto your computer or fly on a plane built according to first century aeronautics?