Here’s a big problem, a BIG problem if you’re on the left: “kids” don’t vote. If more millennials voted, with their tattoos and ironic haircuts the Republicans would be out of business forever. It’s that simple.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Petitioning by Mail and State Voter Registration Webpages
States need merely take the inexpensive step of creating an e-signing page that only registered voters can use, with a dashboard showing how many signatures each candidate has at any given time.
A Review of the Controversial New WWII book: The Phoney Victory
The Phoney Victory raises some interesting propositions regarding the participation of the United Kingdom in World War Two. However, it fails to consider the alternative geopolitical outcome.
Can Democracy Hold the Military Accountable for Poisoning Its Own?
Camp LeJeune is where I was born. It is currently an EPA Superfund site, and one author has described it as a “toxic hell,” the worst water poisoning disaster in U.S. history, worse even than Love Canal or rivers catching fire in the 1970s.
A New Way to Encourage Political Participation By Design
To create a bottom-up arrangement that lets every member of the community influence political decisions to the full extent of each individual’s desire and ability, the people must be invited to participate in the political process.
The Causes of Zimbabwe’s Economic Crisis Are Politically Rooted
The economic crisis has its origin in pre-existing pathologies inside the political system over the last three decades so that a true recovery will require much more than wise economic management.
The Plan to Privatize the Veterans Administration is a Money Grab
Make no mistake, the current administration’s latest action is not about quality care or efficiency, it is a money grab to take public funds and give them to private medical concerns. There is no substitute for the VA’s experience.
How Democracy is Thwarted For the Disabled Citizen
Frivolous is the word that judges and lawyers use to shut down disability rights, including the right to vote and the right to be a candidate, not to mention the right to walk on a sidewalk without it being full of snow and ice piles.
War Crimes: Iraq and Afghanistan Are Not Going Away
Are we gonna continue to let our politicians threaten and kill whomever they want without any resistance whatsoever? Are we as citizens going to continue to volunteer to be underpaid mercenaries?
ADA Accommodations Could Mean Everything to Disabled Candidates
There are so many ways in which a state can make it easy to sign and help someone get on the ballot. For instance, states could let disabled candidates collect their signatures with the absentee ballots.