We’ve looked at problems with the existing political system and a few of the considerations we must accommodate to build a different system. Now, we’ll think about the actual mechanics of such a process.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Chimpanzee Democracy: Legitimacy And Collective Decision-Making
A male chimpanzee can only win the right to be leader of his community if he gains popular support. If chimps can be this organized, what is to be said of humans? Are we doing any better?
What to Look For in Sunday’s Presidential Election in Cameroon
Cameroon’s presidential election Sunday will pit incumbent Paul Biya, in power since 1982, against eight challengers amid a boycott expected in the separatist-leaning and conflict-stricken Anglophone Regions.
Ballot Access for Disabled Candidates in Illinois
I am a new writer for DC and I am disabled. The only thing that makes me feel better after a lifetime of suffering from disabilities is to push hard for disability rights. I started a political party for people with disabilities, Disability Party.
The Democrats Lost Their Way, Now They Must Reclaim it
It is time for Democrats get back to the basics. We all know what this means: war accountability, national healthcare, affordable quality education, banking regulation, the environment, and fair elections.
Creating a More Democratic Process by Correcting Existing Flaws
The transition from dialogue to monologue accelerates as the number of people to be persuaded increases. The larger the number of people, the less free some of them are to participate in the process.
Donald Trump Has Put the Kleptocracy Fully in Charge
The kleptocracy is in charge, and they are saddling the country with even more debt to increase their personal wealth at the expense of the nation. Everyone else will have to settle the debt and suffer the consequences.
What Makes a Voting Method Good?
The idea here is that if we want a legislative part of our government to cover broad ideas, then we need to have a voting method that elects a diverse enough body that can actually generate those broad ideas.
Kavanaugh’s History Was Disqualifying Even Before the Sexual Allegations
Even without the sexual allegations, he should not be confirmed. Even with everything else aside I still stand by my initial reservations of this nominee. He appears to have been nominated as payback.
How to Stop the Two-Party Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
We must require that a winner must get more than half the votes. Alas, this simple rule cannot be imposed yet. Why? Because virtually all democracies currently use primitive single-mark ballots.