A referendum in British Columbia would allow voters decide on the type of election method to use from among a limited list of options and be offered a chance to ditch plurality voting.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Trump Re-Election Paperwork Was Filed Unusually Early
Trump filed paperwork with FEC as early as February 2017 for his 2020 candidacy. But is this tied in anyway to Robert Mueller’s ongoing Special Counsel investigation?
The Republican Party is Brazenly Subverting American Elections
Republicans appear so desperate to hold onto power, KNOWING they lack majority support, that they are pulling out every dirty trick in the book to hinder and deny access to the polls.
The U.S. is Now the World’s Top Oil Producer. Citizens Should Benefit
Americans are so in love with capitalism that the average person is being screwed. We think only the Robber Barons in this kleptocracy should share in our vast oil and natural gas wealth.
Why the Government Must Act on Social Media Election Regulations
Election meddling is easier than before and regulation of social media is more muddled than ever. Private companies like Facebook have little chance of standing up to Russia’s intelligence services alone.
Zero Hour for Mother Earth
This is Zero Hour for Mother Earth. We have run out of time. The response to climate change is building economic, transportation and housing systems based on clean, sustainable, renewable energy.
Is Rahm Emanuel Going to Run for President?
In my estimation, since I live near Chicago, he’s been more favorable to the affluent that to the poor even though he’s thrown a few bones to the poor. For me, he’s still a corporate democrat and Bernie is still the man to run.
Its Past Time For New York to Send the Green Party to Congress
Hello, my name is Lynn S. Kahn Ph.D. I am the Green Party candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from New York District 21, the North Country counting down to November 6.
Why the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon is a Constitutional Problem
The “Anglophone Crisis” in Cameroon is a constitutional problem. Its root causes can be traced back to 1961 when British Southern Cameroons united with the Republic of Cameroun.
Venezuela and the Ever-Present Threat of American Intervention
Venezuela has truly faced the consequences of being a socialist country in a world that a fascist United States loves to dominate. Venezuela has huge oil reserves that the US plans on controlling.