Are you ready to go to war again? Trump has been talking about war with Iran the way George Bush talked about war with Iraq before and after his disastrous invasion.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Zimbabwe’s ‘Crocodile’ Wins Elections But Violence Erupts
Zimbabwe’s incumbent Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, popularly known as the ‘Crocodile’ for his leadership of the “crocodile gang” back in the 60s and eventually for his political shrewdness, has won presidential polls.
What Made America Great? A Postwar Monopoly On Un-bombed Factories!
Voters in virtually all democracies (in Europe, Asia, and North America) use primitive single-mark ballots, which only allow a voter to mark a single choice. Ideally a voter should be allowed to mark a 1-2-3 ballot.
Zimbabweans Vote in First Post-Coup Elections
Zimbabweans vote in first post-coup elections. The general elections mark a turning point in the country’s political history. The spectre of Mugabe’s rule hovers over all.
Where Are The Civil Rights Leaders?
I deeply respect and acknowledge what Black Lives Matter is doing. They are current to the cause. God bless them. They are the only voices out there that are really in the thick of it and trying to bring justice to the underserved.
African Heads of State Ages
African Heads of State, who are currently all male, have an average age of 64.32 years. This situation appears to be at odds with the demographics in Africa as the continent’s population is youthful.
Using Ranked Choice Voting For President Can Save America
Let’s keep advocating for systems like Instant Runoff Voting and Ranked Choice Voting, so that we the voters have the tools to truly pick better candidates, especially when the two dominant parties are not offering us candidates we want to vote for.
How Zimbabwe’s 2017 Coup Undermined Democracy
When the coup is reconciled with historic civil-military relations and the events immediately preceding the coup, what emerges is military action in Zimbabwe in 2017 that further weakened the country’s already frail democracy.
Trump Claims Russia to Help Democrats Win in 2018. Really?
The real election cheating in 2016 was just Republican politics as usual. The majority of these actions have been carried out as part of a campaign led by the controversial Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.
Needless Fighting is Ensured if Threats Dominate Middle East Dialogue
From my perspective, it seems Israel should go all in for the two state agreement followed up with humanitarian aid for Palestine. Israel may even gain some friends in the process.