Lee Camp opened his part of the show by saying that he’s going to get into some “issues the country is having” and “for the first 45 minutes of the show we’ll just pair off and hug and cry”.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Is a Political Media Good For Democracy?
With so much media choice on offer this is surely only enhancing democracy and making the democratic system stronger. There can’t be any downsides to this, can there? Well, yes there are.
Trump’s Visit to the Saudi Women’s Gitmo is Counterproductive
The footage of the US president bowing to the tyrant caliph to accept a gold necklace honor took women rights activists worldwide by surprise and disappointed Saudi caged women.
New Voting Systems Can’t Solve the Problems of Democracy
There’s a widespread assumption that if we just tried a little harder or better, everything would improve, and that it’s soon going to happen. I guess it’s human-nature to want to believe that.
Russian Dressing, No Beef
If the Democrats and liberal mainstream media want to preserve democracy as they claim to, they must accept the election results instead of pushing baseless conspiracy theories. It is time for the witch hunt to end.
POEM: Brilliant Shadows in a World of Darkness
This poem — from a Masters student in Clinical Mental Counseling who is concerned about her prospects as a scholar in civil society — speaks the truth of many students of all races, all ethnicities, all creeds.
Anti-Muslims, You’re as Bad as the Extremists
Muslims are like anybody else and make wonderful contributions to the societies they live in. It is not an inherently violent religion at all. This is the actions of but a few idiots that ruin the name of Islam.
Voting Methods: An Open Target for Effective Altruism
Pushing smarter voting methods has the potential to change lives in the world at a fundamental level. There are few opportunities for this level of impact.
Book Exposes World of the Sons of the North Korean Elite
That said, Ms. Kim’s book is one of the most insightful reads a NK buff can use to explore from an armchair. Published in 2014, it could have been written yesterday, nothing has changed.
Why the Ruling-Rich Won’t Impeach Trump For Now
The problem with impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors is the ruling-rich benefit from what he’s doing, and he’s doing it for them as well as for himself. He’s their president.