The implications of the Lesotho snap general election are hard to exaggerate. They are the clearest example of the need for the regional body SADC to act to fix the political impasse.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Video From the Recent March Against Monsanto in NYC
The grassroots New York City March Against Monsanto took place on May 20th in Bryant Park and in concert with protests synchronized by the March Against Monsanto organization across the globe.
Time is Now For Democrats to Take a Stand on Trump Crimes
In these Trump-times, communities need to stick together, to minimize the harm and damage that Trump, his ruling cronies, and his Republican friends (but Democrats too) can do.
Voting Machine Upgrades in Need Around the United States
As a nation that prides itself on being up to date on the latest technology and software, the United States is failing terribly behind in one major category, working voting machines on election days.
Politics and Significance of Cameroun’s National Day Celebrations
You may ask yourself as a DC reader why this article is even important. Why should you know these issues about the La République du Cameroun? Well, DC readers are interested in politics.
UNICEF to Address the Increase in Unaccompanied Refugee Children
As of 2016, there are 300,000 unaccompanied child refugees and separated children globally, which is 66,000 more than in 2010 and a five-fold increase over the last seven years.
Under Cover of Dark(ness) Money
Dark money isn’t going anywhere soon unless the SEC finally manages to hammer out a regulated crackdown and make full disclosure the law of the land. It stinks, not knowing where your money is going.
Thorough Comparison of the 12 Best Voting-Systems
This is the final article in a series analyzing the 12 best voting-systems. It is a long and detailed comparison of twelve voting-systems by four standards.
The Leadership of South Africa is Failing
The Zuma Must Fall campaign led several marches last month with a unified group consisting of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, races, and religions. The message was loud and clear.
Britain: Please Realize That Left Is Right And Right Is Wrong
It’s the core beliefs of what those on the Left believe in that make it difficult to mock. How do you mock someone and put them down because they believe that people are equal?