Saturday April 29th, 2017, marked the 100th day of The Trump’s Presidency and, although his base is still backing him up, it has been a very tumultuous time in America and around the world.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Photos From the 2017 NYC Cannabis Parade and Rally
Photos from the NYC Cannabis rally which began as a parade at West 31st & Broadway in Koreatown to march to Union Square. Hundreds of people participated to legalize the plant.
Faith-Based POTUS Tourism
For his inaugural trip abroad our President has picked an unpredictable but thematically consistent itinerary. He’ll be stopping at the Vatican, then on to Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Protesting Trump’s NYC Speech on the Intrepid with Ron Kuby
What it cost for security per day for Melania to sit in Trump Tower costs taxpayers 500k, enough to feed 100k homeless or 1,467 AIDS patients could have meds.
Voter Fraud Was Complete Non-Issue in 2016 Elections
Following numerous claims by members of the Republican Party that the election system is “rigged”, there have been numerous studies released that have debunked those claims.
At the 6th Annual Immigrant Worker Justice Tour on May 1st
Hundreds turned out yesterday on a warm spring day at Washington Square Park in New York City for the 2017 May Day event.
Key Texas Redistricting Court Case Coming Before 2018 Elections
If redistricting is done to restrict a person and or group’s voting rights and participation then it should be able to be challenged by properly designed processes. This doesn’t seem the case today.
May Day: Helping with the Migration Crisis Across Borders
Many immigrant rights organizations hold Know Your Rights presentations, and if you call them, they will gladly come out to an event you will hold, to make immigrants aware of their rights.
The Key Role of ICTs in Strengthening African Election Observation
For election observers to effectively discharge their mandate, scholars and analysts are arguing for embracing of appropriate information communication technologies.
California Leading the Way to Lower Voting Age to 17
In an effort to get more young people involved in the democratic process, many states are attempting lowering the voting age to 17 to get young people active.