In 20 minutes (social media flash-mob, you see) a surprisingly large crowd started to form on the street, gossip between strangers continued, and the human electricity in the restaurant charged.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
The Cameroon Anglophone Problem (Part Four)
The ghost towns are evidence that Anglophones have decided to resist Government’s manipulation and repression through passive resistance which is far more potent than war.
Zimbabwe’s Biometric Voter Registration Controversy
Last week the President Robert Mugabe’s government announced that it was taking over the procurement process effectively disallowing UNDP the right to source the BVR kits.
The Isolation of America, From America
The President has made many controversial cabinet choices including several family members. Most of the cabinet choices are millionaires and billionaires and most have no governmental experience.
The Cameroon Anglophone Problem (Part Three)
The Government has clearly refused dialogue and has continued to intimidate Anglophones. In the SW, the State authorities have embarked on closing down shops of individuals who respect the protests.
Photos From Not My President’s Day in New York City
Tens of thousands were protesting in NYC and in cities around the U.S. yesterday on the President’s Day holiday against Trump on issues including immigration, climate change.
The Cameroon Anglophone Problem (Part Two)
The government now treats the terms protest and terrorism as synonyms. This is a recipe for civil war as this might further radicalise Anglophones.
Today I Am Muslim Too March in Times Square, NYC
I recently joined a day of solidarity in support of equality and tolerance, supporting American Muslims. There is no greater time than now to stand up for our Muslim brothers and sisters.
National Artwork: Around the Roundel
Any country with an air force has roundels, even those who don’t own planes, and from a design and political perspective they’re fun. This study covers the most interesting examples.
Artistic UpRISING and Revolutionary Love in NYC
This Tuesday, women and men throughout the US and in 200 countries worldwide came together for the RISE to end violence against all women and girls as part of Valentine’s Day.