Thousands of people turned out to say “No” to Trump’s Executive Order to ban Muslims from entering the United States. Even those who are legal citizens and Green Card holders were detained for hours or not allowed to return.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
PHOTOS: Interfaith Groups Pray for Immigrants in NYC
The New York Immigration Coalition and interfaith groups from around the New York City area held a vigil and Jummah prayer for immigrant communities. The event attended by around 250 people.
Five Rank Ballot Voting Systems You Might Not Know
The five voting systems described here, although less well known, are an essential ingredient to this series of articles constituting my magnum opus on election methods.
Trump’s Proposals Won’t Fix the Affordable Care Act
There are problems with the Affordable Care Act, but Trump’s proposed reform to make American healthcare great again won’t fix them. Trump should consider preserving some of its foundational components.
A Few Words of Comparison Between Approval and Score Voting
Score voting offers a compromise between strategy and sincerity. It softens the harm that strategy could do, when that strategy isn’t really in the voter’s best interest.
Photo Essay From the Washington, DC Women’s March
The signs I encountered among the thousands who attended the Women’s March on DC yesterday, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump. The crowd expressed deep reservations about his views.
Trump Presidency: GOP’s Worst Nightmare or the Neocon Revenge?
Trump symbolizes the return of the neocons with a different face. The apparent power struggle inside the Republican Party served as a platform to increase Trump´s popularity and image as a David against the GOP Goliath
A Letter to Departing President Barack Obama
I’m writing to tell you and your beautiful family that I am going to miss you. I’m writing to let you know the impact that you made in my family’s life and how grateful I am to you. I will pray for you, Michelle and the girls.
Walking a Tightrope to Qatar’s Future
Being citizens of a fantastically rich petro-state, Qataris do not have to work or innovate for money in the way other countries do: they are the ultimate rentiers whose tiny population has won the geological lottery.
PHOTOS: Protesting NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Rezoning Plans
The coalition calling for De Blasio to step down underscores their anger at his Mandatory Inclusionary Housing initiative, a key element of his Affordable Housing Plan passed in March.