I can not imagine the pain of being a teacher today, especially in a multilingual school. Talking to young angels who do not understand the madness of the past few weeks seems to me impossible
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Democracy Now! in NYC
Amy Goodman and Juan González were joined by special musical guests Patti Smith and Tom Morello to celebrate two decades of Democracy Now!
VOTE NOW: The Voting Systems Poll
You’re invited to vote in a poll between 7 voting-systems at the Condorcet Internet Voting Service created by longtime Democracy Chronicles writer Michael Ossipoff
Report From a Day Of Protest on the Fight For 15 Anniversary
Today marked the four year anniversary of the start of the Fight For 15 movement, which has made strong headway in raising the minimum wage across the country
Economic Growth Enriches… Well, I Don’t Know About That
Our society needs economic growth in harmony with our environment, with adapted technologies and, most of all, in tune with people and influenced by people.
On Centuries of Unkept Promises Undergirding the Pipeline Fight
Now, let me ask you. Have you ever tried to rewrite one of the stories found in history books from different points of view? Or with alternate “endings”?
Politics Should Serve the People, Not the Politicians
The only true good is democracy itself, our right to speak out in the political elections because that’s one of the few occasions in our lives when those in power must turn their focus towards the people
How Vote Recounts Strengthen Our Democracy
Didn’t he say the election was rigged? Yes, Donald Trump did say that, but that was before Election Day, and before, to the shock of America and to the rest of the world, he won the Electoral College
Our Society is Beyond Repair, So Let’s Move On
Have you had a vague feeling that the world doesn´t work the way it should; that our everyday lives are becoming unreal and slowly taking on a less substantial quality? It is a feeling that countless people share.
Hugs of Solidarity at Anti-Trump and Steve Bannon Protests
Anti-Trump supporters marched holding their signs at the Solidarity with Anti-Trump and Anti-Steve Bannon Protests yesterday at 5th Avenue outside Trump Tower in Manhattan.