Our community has spoken up and supported Democracy Chronicles Kickstarter project. As the Producer of this film and Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Democracy Chronicles, I want to thank everyone in our network for all your support!
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
How to Donate Bitcoins to Florida Libertarian Party
Call to donate Bitcoins to Florida libertarian candidate battling two party state monopoly
Election Reform Film Fundraising Ends Tuesday Afternoon
This Tuesday our film fundraising ends and we hope that you will join us by then!
VIDEO: Politicians Financed by Corporate PACs and Lobbyists
Sent from my iPhone because our libraries are closed because our politicians are financed by corporate PACs and lobbyists who get tax loopholes to maximize shareholder profit rather than invest in our community centers and public resources
No Donation Limits or Transparency Means Total Corruption
With no donation limits or transparency for election spending our corruption can end democracy
HOUR VIDEO: Political Donations of Koch Brothers Exposed
Billionaire industrialists Koch Brothers exposed in film detailing vast fortune spent in politics
Outside Election Spending Smothers Views of Both Parties
All candidates in Newark election battle against outside election spending flooding into race
Six Lessons on Election Reform From Pennsylvania Vote
Calls for election reform from Pennsylvania following flood of cash into politicians’ pockets
Story of How IRS Was Held in Contempt of Congress
House Republicans have held former IRS head Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for failing to testify in a house committee hearing on May 22nd 2013 after fierce Citizens United-related battle over money in politics.
We Need a Third Party
It is time for a third party to rise out of the ossified tribal sensibility of our current election process. A third party can and should emerge as a refreshing alternative for those who are weary of the current gridlock. We need a third party.