The problem with America is Wall Street-style heartless capitalism where the guys at the top love only money, worship greed, and don’t care how it affects you and I. That’s just the way it is. Profit without conscience is the credo.
Hey Americans: Are You Ready To Bomb Iran?
Are you ready to go to war again? Trump has been talking about war with Iran the way George Bush talked about war with Iraq before and after his disastrous invasion.
Where Are The Civil Rights Leaders?
I deeply respect and acknowledge what Black Lives Matter is doing. They are current to the cause. God bless them. They are the only voices out there that are really in the thick of it and trying to bring justice to the underserved.
Trump Claims Russia to Help Democrats Win in 2018. Really?
The real election cheating in 2016 was just Republican politics as usual. The majority of these actions have been carried out as part of a campaign led by the controversial Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.
Needless Fighting is Ensured if Threats Dominate Middle East Dialogue
From my perspective, it seems Israel should go all in for the two state agreement followed up with humanitarian aid for Palestine. Israel may even gain some friends in the process.
Foxconn Comes to America. But Who’s Being Conned?
How come hedge fund managers and people who get paid in stocks only pay 20% while everybody else make less money and have to pay almost double that tax percentage? Our tax system is actually very regressive.
Mitch McConnell Was Chased Out Of A Restaurant. Sorry Not Sorry
Hey Mitch, now you know it doesn’t feel so good being chased and yelled at by people. That’s exactly what Americans have been going through thanks to Mitch’s anti-poor political agenda.
The Scots Show The World How To Protest
Our country is a more miserable place to live in because of greed. We now have corruption at a level where our government and ruling class only want to screw us over and may sell us out to Russia.
The Russian Summit, Reagan, and Trump Economics
When Trump went to NATO this week, he was pressuring our allies to go from spending 2% of their GDP on defense to 4%. Take a guess what country will benefit from arms sales? You got it, the USA.
The Trump Baby Balloon is Satire Done Right
The bloated infantile persona in diapers carting a cell phone is perfect. The man has had a pampered life and has always done what he wants regardless of the effect on others. He only cares for his needs.