There is currently a debate in the US about eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with a National Popular Vote. There are also ardent defenders of both arguments. There are valid arguments on both sides.
Thoughts On Trump Pardoning US Soldier Michael Behenna
My perspective is admittedly biased. I too was an officer serving in the U.S. Army, and I too served in Iraq. In 2004-2005, and again in 2010-2011.
Trump’s Attacks On Ilhan Omar Are America’s Latest Low Point
Roosevelt warned us, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,” because fear leads to poor choices. When a president can vilify an elected representative who happens to be a woman and a muslim, we have given into fear.
The Dangerous Republican Strategy to Manipulate Voting
We the people need to make our ballot system secret and sacrosanct again. Vote counts must be beyond reproach and we must make them as immune as possible against party shenanigans and malfeasance.
The Midterms Were a Very Real Victory for American Democracy
It has been a daunting task from the very start. Don’t let the expectations of a greater wave and a larger breach in the wall diminish the very real victory achieved on Election Day 2018.
Polling Mischief in Maine Shows Why We Need Ranked Choice Voting
Let’s make sure whoever wins this election actually has the support of a majority of Mainers. Let’s bring legitimacy back to our elections, and not shenanigans. Everyone needs to get behind ranked choice voting!
The Plan to Privatize the Veterans Administration is a Money Grab
Make no mistake, the current administration’s latest action is not about quality care or efficiency, it is a money grab to take public funds and give them to private medical concerns. There is no substitute for the VA’s experience.
Donald Trump Has Put the Kleptocracy Fully in Charge
The kleptocracy is in charge, and they are saddling the country with even more debt to increase their personal wealth at the expense of the nation. Everyone else will have to settle the debt and suffer the consequences.
Kavanaugh’s History Was Disqualifying Even Before the Sexual Allegations
Even without the sexual allegations, he should not be confirmed. Even with everything else aside I still stand by my initial reservations of this nominee. He appears to have been nominated as payback.
The Republican Party is Brazenly Subverting American Elections
Republicans appear so desperate to hold onto power, KNOWING they lack majority support, that they are pulling out every dirty trick in the book to hinder and deny access to the polls.