DC politicians continue to criticize and blame other nations instead of taking responsibility for Snowden leaks.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
The iPhone and Occupy Turkey
With the lessons of the country’s recent past, the government must embrace the growing diversity of opinion and culture that advancing technology inevitably brings and will continue to bring.
What’s Wrong with America’s Political System: Its Constitution
Wrong with America: If you had to pick a root cause underlying our broken politics, what would it be and why?
Chalker Protests To Continue In Jeff Olson’s Honor
After Chalk demonstrator Jeff Olson’s acquittal, supporters still plan to protest and celebrate. Jeff Olson supporters plan protests in San Diego and Bremerton, WA.
What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom?
Adam Curtis is an English award-earning, film maker who made the film, “The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom”
Open Letter to Obama: Visit Guantanamo Next
Open Letter to Obama: You prosecuted whistleblowers who are otherwise heroes for exposing government crimes
Occupy Wall Street and the Discontent of Nations
The Occupy Wall Street are the beginning of a much broader movement that is taking the entire world by storm: a Discontent of Nations
Congress Sets State Application Count As Zero
No rules exist for state applications for an Article V Convention count but Congress sets state application count law mandating delegate election
Segregation and Sweden: Racism in the Nordic Supermodel
The riots that have shaken the Nordic Supermodel lately are not what’s wrong with Sweden but rather they are an omen of inevitable change
New Constitution With Marijuana and Hemp Legalization
Why a new Constitution is our country’s best hope and why Marijuana and Hemp legalization is our second best