The problem we have today is we’re living in the Wild West. Some of our citizens have a fetish with semi-automatic weapons and other military weapons, the same that have been used in school shootings.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Trump’s Attacks On Ilhan Omar Are America’s Latest Low Point
Roosevelt warned us, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,” because fear leads to poor choices. When a president can vilify an elected representative who happens to be a woman and a muslim, we have given into fear.
After Netanyahu’s Reelection, We Still Need Real World Leaders
Like President Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu is the typical right wing leader. He pretends to be a man of peace, while willing to bring the world to the boiling point for his political gain.
Takeaways from the American Ambassador’s Cameroon Visit
The ambassador’s declarations demonstrate the US seems to have a good understanding of the Ambazoninan conflict. It is compelling to note that the attempt to sell the revolution as a “terrorist” movement did not gain traction.
Reflections On The Revolutions In Algeria And Sudan
The old men who dominate so many of these countries suddenly look their age, and the distance between the rulers and the vast majorities of their populations born 40 or 50 or 60 years after them has never been greater.
Ever-Escalating Political Polarization in Zimbabwe
We’ve been trapped in a cycle of ever-escalating political polarization in Zimbabwe. As measured by consistent partisan positioning among voters, the split in the Zimbabwe’s electorate has reached the apex. But this is about to end.
On Celebrating the Vast Wealth of America’s Richest
When you have a democracy, you have an equal say, equal input, and equal decision-making powers. One person one vote is the opposite of the currently ascendent “money is free speech” concept.
New Zealand: Clean and Green or Corrupt and Mean?
Fighting a court is like trying to grab a snake covered in oil. They have more power than you do, often are poisonous, and are unaccountable when they libel you and strip you of your rights. It seems they bite you with dishonesty.
Was Trump Jr Right? Is British Democracy Dead?
The pimple head that is Donald Trump Jr recently claimed that British democracy is dead after Parliament didn’t approve Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement for the second time. Is there any truth to what this talking flannel has claimed?
Time for a National Divorce Bureau in the United States
In the United States, the regulation of divorce and marriage have been left to the States, but the federal government has an interest in uniformity under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution.