Afraid of VP Mnangagwa’s rising popularity, Mugabe fired the former as Vice President in early November 2016. This led to dramatic events of 13-24 November 2017 that saw Mugabe resigning.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Review of Middlesex: Exploring 21st Century Masculinity
In today’s world of shifting gender roles and evolving gender self-realization, what does masculinity really mean? What does it really mean to be a man? Does masculinity hinge on power anymore?
Republicans Are Blaming Alabama Felon Voters For Senate Loss
If the Republican party in Alabama thinks that felons are to blame for their loss they should take a look in the mirror and do some self-reflecting. What is truly required is for them to rethink their strategy.
Arizona Can Make its Money Politics More Transparent
People shouldn’t have to worry about being bullied for making political donations to a candidate they chose, but on the other hand there should be a counter balance to be able to see where monetary donations to political candidates come from.
America Has Lost Its Moral Compass
If, as a society, we are going to adjust our moral compass based solely on the letter at the end of a politician’s name, Americans are just proving that our country has no moral compass altogether.
Why America Should Emulate Oregon’s Vote-by-Mail System
No voter should be standing in a long line, counting the number of seconds until the end. Instead, each should hold onto their ballot in the comfort of their own home, delivered and returned at the time that works best. There’s no reason to rush democracy.
Yale Study Shows Voting Does Not Reduce Crime
A study conducted by Yale University has shown that people participating in elections do not necessarily make good citizens. While the study shows that there are some who vote that remain law abiding, the rest of the population does not.
The $1.5 Trillion Tax Con
The majority of Americans that voted for our current government are also the very people that would be hurt the most by the repeal of the ACA and the new tax plan proposal
Wisconsin Gerrymandering Case Before Supreme Court Critical
The process of gerrymandering has become extremely political with politicians being able to draw those maps, and largely to the favor for the political party in the majority.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Questioning Testing Guidelines
Who makes the decisions that establish the standards of medical care and the guidelines for a variety of medical testing is a fascinating question. And, it’s complicated because human lives and millions of dollars are at stake.