Francois Fillon’s path to victory in the primaries of the right-wing was clear when he hardened his views on certain issues such as security, immigration and abortion.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Unconditional Basic Income: Around the Survivors a Perimeter Create
Did you know that there is currently one privately-funded program being run in California’s Silicon Valley that gives “unconditional” payments to Oakland residents?
Photos From the Recent Standing Rock March in NYC
The Standing Rock rally was held at 1:00 pm, then we marched at 2:00. The march began in front of the New York Public Library and went to Trump Tower and beyond.
A Tale of a Divided Zimbabwe Opposition and a Fragile Ruling Party
l suggest that a strategic alliance under one presidential candidate and vigorous campaigning in Zanu PF strongholds may bring desired results for the opposition.
The National Front’s Game Of Thrones: Philippot Vs Maréchal-Le Pen
The leader of the ultra right-wing hasn´t got all the cards on her side as there is an internal power struggle going on within the party that can harm her party’s prestige.
Human Consciousness: You As Creator
The power of our perceptions to alter reality is a theme that runs through lectures I’ve given at Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and more than 50 other universities and to over 3,000 executives.
Nicholas Heyward Jr. Conference at Department of Investigation
“This was turned over to the civil rights division. These are the people who were supposed to have looked at this case”, said Nicholas Heyward Sr.
Remembering Kenneth Arrow and His Impossibility Theorem
When the alternative is to continue using the worst voting method—plurality voting—there is little risk experimenting. Clearly, Dr. Arrow wanted us to have better.
Are CEOs Really Better For Our Country?
Throughout the election season, Trump supporters declared that as a successful businessman he would run the country like a business in order to bring back jobs and fix all the things that were wrong with America.
What Lies Behind the Emmanuel Macron Candidacy?
The Emmanuel Macron phenomenon is the darling of the establishment, the one in favor of globalization, and the FTA with the USA, something Hollande was adamantly opposed to.