The Koch brothers alone have put hundreds of millions of their dollars into our elections. What will be your contribution for democracy? What influence will you have on world affairs?
American Power Abroad: Fly Away Angel Of Death
There are very evil actions by the US taking place around the world. Why can’t the average fascist that’s involved with our government just take a break, the dust hasn’t even settled in Iraq and Afghanistan yet!
Lobbying Corporate America
Maybe some scary specter could visit some of these scroogelike CEO’s in the middle of the night and fly them around the poorer sections of our nation while dressed in their sleeping gowns to underline the critical need of our constituents.
Julian Assange Is Gone! What Has He Done?
Julian has been arrested for reporting war crimes, while the criminals walk free. This is an outrage. Our democracy is upside down. We can’t allow our nation to continue down this path.
What’s Wrong With Us And Right In New Zealand?
The problem we have today is we’re living in the Wild West. Some of our citizens have a fetish with semi-automatic weapons and other military weapons, the same that have been used in school shootings.
After Netanyahu’s Reelection, We Still Need Real World Leaders
Like President Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu is the typical right wing leader. He pretends to be a man of peace, while willing to bring the world to the boiling point for his political gain.
On Celebrating the Vast Wealth of America’s Richest
When you have a democracy, you have an equal say, equal input, and equal decision-making powers. One person one vote is the opposite of the currently ascendent “money is free speech” concept.
The Time Is Now For Average Americans To Engage The 2020 Election
The 2020 national elections are right around the corner and you have much to offer: you opinions, your gifts and your talents. Please use them for the sake of this Republic as well as your families.
Elizabeth and Bernie: The Ticket I Would Vote For
I love Bernie Sanders. I also have a soft spot for Elizabeth Warren. I want them both and I want them both now. They would be better than the dynamic duo, power couple or gruesome twosome. They would be Elizabeth and Bernie!
Amazon Pays Nothing in Taxes, But the Poor Sure Do
The middle class and the poor need the tax breaks, not the Oligarchs at the top. There are property taxes, income taxes, alcohol taxes, license plate taxes, utility taxes, tobacco taxes, gasoline taxes and more.