We will only have a chance to save our imperiled democracy if we work to reverse discriminatory laws like Citizens United.
Mass Shootings: Time To Ramp Up Citizen Action
Those controlling the levers of power need to be confronted on these issues and made uncomfortable enough so that they can act.
Who Pays For America?
The taxes that are being placed on middle class in America are ridiculous. The rich in comparison pay nothing, yet have everything.
On Confronting A Lie
The problems that we are dealing with are because of the consistent misrepresentation of truth as well as the rich targeting our society’s weaknesses.
Unintended Political Consequences Of Childish Name Calling
Because of the continual actions of lesser intentioned humans, the Democratic Party has been targeted as weak and unable to understand how to throw a punch.
Holding Them Accountable For Our Failed Democracy
The greed of corporate America is and has been threatening our existence. They are price gouging in every sector because everything has been privatized.
The Time To Get Behind Alexeï Navalny Is Now
We are interdependent in our assumed divided lands. Praise for the imprisoned Navalny. Here is a man dedicated to justice and freedom for all.
Partisan Divisions And The Fairness Doctrine
The relaxing or paralyzing of the Fairness Doctrine is allowing a right-wing political minority with plenty of cash to deal in distortion.
Will It Be Ok?
Reinstating shoring-up and prosecuting violators of the obliterated Fairness Doctrine is the first step for resurrecting our great country.
The Democratic Party’s Oligarch Wannabes
I can’t tolerate Senator Manchin or Sinema being welcomed by the Democratic Party next term or ever again. They are Republicans in sheep clothing.